Learn about Jewish customs relating to birth, naming, circumcision, adoption and redemption of the firstborn.
Learn about Jewish customs relating to birth, naming, circumcision, adoption and redemption of the firstborn.
Learn about the Jewish coming-of-age ceremonies:
Bar Mitzvah / Bat Mitzvah.
Judaism praises the sincere convert and fully welcomes that person into the synagogue and Jewish community.
People choose to become Jewish for many reasons such as those listed below in a recent poll of hundreds of converts to Judaism:
Learn about the Jewish concept of finding your soulmate, Jewish weddings, the process of acquiring a spouse and the marital relationship.
Learn about the Jewish attitude toward divorce and the procedures involved in Jewish divorce.
Learn about the Jewish attitude toward the preservation of life, toward death and Jewish mourning practices.
Learn about Jewish beliefs regarding the afterlife, the World to Come, resurrection and reincarnation.