Beth Tzedec is proud to take part in the Harold Grinspoon Foundation LIFE & LEGACY program, coordinated locally by Calgary Jewish Federation and the Jewish Community Foundation of Calgary. We are working in partnership with organizations throughout the Calgary Jewish community to raise endowment funds through after-lifetime gifts.
Did you know?
The estimated value of LIFE & LEGACY commitments in support of Beth Tzedec’s future has topped $1.5 million and continues to grow. To date, close to $18 million has been raised in support of organizations throughout Jewish Calgary, and more than $1 billion has been raised by participating agencies throughout North America. Regardless of your age, stage and income level, you can give a gift to the future, supporting your Shul, your community and your people.
Be remembered forever!
If you have already designated Beth Tzedec as a beneficiary in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy or you would like to plan your legacy gift, please contact Beth Tzedec President Lorne Pearl at or Interim CEO David Inhaber at
Todah rabah to the following individuals and families who have generously committed to after-lifetime gifts that will support our Synagogue in perpetuity: