Week of Events
Matzah Brei
Matzah Brei
Join us for a special breakfast following Morning Minyan as we celebrate Pesach as a community. We’ll schmooze and share a kosher-for-Passover meal together. Kindly register using the form below so we know how much food to prepare.
Homework Club
Homework Club
Homework Club offers students in grades 1-6 a chance to work on schoolwork in a relaxed, supportive space with the help of older students and mentors. Snacks will be provided, as well as fun activities to participate in with friends, once homework is done! Join us after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays throughout...
Visual Arts — Shiluv Learning Club
Visual Arts — Shiluv Learning Club
Immerse yourself or your child in a captivating journey where painting, papier-mâché, drawing, and more converge with the rich tapestry of Jewish symbolism, allowing your artistic expression to flourish like never before. Participants of all ages are invited to learn and engage with Jewish symbols in new ways. Mark your calendar! Visual arts classes will...
Homework Club
Homework Club
Homework Club offers students in grades 1-6 a chance to work on schoolwork in a relaxed, supportive space with the help of older students and mentors. Snacks will be provided, as well as fun activities to participate in with friends, once homework is done! Join us after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays throughout...
Music — Shiluv Learning Club
Music — Shiluv Learning Club
Let’s get noisy for the Shul of Rock! This program is ideal for students in Grades 3-12 with some musical experience and skill who are interested in composing their own songs and playing modern Israeli pop and rock music. Students will be sorted into sessions based on their skill level and experience. Mark your calendar!...
Martial Arts — Shiluv Learning Club
Martial Arts — Shiluv Learning Club
Discover the fundamentals of self-defense with our comprehensive Martial Arts course from 5 Elements Martial Arts. Students will learn essential techniques such as de-escalation tactics, centering exercises, and foundational movements to enhance their self-defense skills. Mark your calendar! Martial arts classes will meet weekly on Thursdays, January 11, 18 & 25, February 1, 8, 22...
Bimah Challenge — Shiluv Learning Club
Bimah Challenge — Shiluv Learning Club
Gather your friends or join with your child who has celebrated their B’nai Mitzvah for our intergenerational Bimah Challenge! Learn the skills to lead the service, chant Torah and Haftarah portions and earn points which you can use to fundraise for the shul, support outreach programs, or contribute to philanthropic initiatives. Mark your calendar! Bimah...
Keruv Class
Keruv Class
Designed for those interested in converting to Judaism – or anyone who could use a Judaism 101 refresher - our Keruv class covers a number of Jewish topics and incorporates lectures, group text-studies, discussions, and experiential activities. Our class meets for two hours on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, with occasional field trips and...